Drag chebskies-launcher-BDv21.pk3 (as it meant to be played) or chebskies-launcher-BDv22.pk3 (compatible but with minor degradations in some gameplay aspects) onto the GZDoom or Zandronum executable OR create a link with this console command and the appropriate folder: zandronum.exe chebskies-launcher-BDv21.pk3 All other relevant files will be auto-loaded, do NOT drag them together with chebskies-launcher-*.pk3 I strongly advise against using any other builds ob Brutal Doom except my custom heavily patched brutalv21che.pk3 and the latest (as I code this) brutalv22test3.pk3: chebskies WILL break and it may be subtle and you only notice halfway through the megawad. doom2.wad is NOT included (obviously) but is REQUIRED brutalv22test3.pk3 is NOT included but is required by the v22 launcher Русская версия: Zandronum: 1. Замени "language=default" на "language=ru" в своём файле конфигурации Zandronum-<имя пользователя винды>.ini 2. Используй (перетаскивая, альбо ж чрез командную строку) chebskies-ru-zandronum.pk3 вместе с PK3 ланчера (ибо Зандронум собственного кириллического шрифта не имеет) GZDoom: 1. Выбери русский язык в настройках игры. Больше ничего не требуется.